This is the first step, yet most important, in getting the right tutoring solution for you. Please select a convenient time below for our Educational Expert to call you back.
We help dedicated parents to hire a Trustworthy & Highly Effective Tutor so their children's marks can improve significantly within 28 days without giving up their hobbies and play time.
We help dedicated parents to hire a Trustworthy & Highly Effective Tutor so their children's marks can improve significantly within 28 days without giving up their hobbies and play time.

How Does Good Tutors Finder Work?
Set Up a Tutoring Plan
Tell us your child’s need, select the day and time, and get instant affordable pricing.
Our Tutoring Plans
You can choose the frequency of your tutoring; weekly, every 2 weeks, once a month or just once!
Manage Everything Online
Assessing your child’s progresses, rescheduling, and contacting our dedicated team is just a tap away.
Sit Back & Relax
A Good Tutor, fully vetted, knowledgeable and trained will be there on time. And it is all paid for.
100% Guaranty
If you are not completely satisfied with the first meeting, we will reimburse you the first hour.
Frequently Asked Questions
We offer excellent tutors for a range of budgets. Please see here our prices.
Your child is unique and so are their needs. We will surely find the formula that works for you. Our advisers are here to talk to you, and better understand your need. We will match your child with the right Tutor having the right skills, approach, and interpersonal skills.
The sessions will take place at your house or online at the time that has been agreed.
Many signs can tell you that your child could greatly benefit from our services. Some of the signs to look out for are: a decrease in their performance at school, a loss of motivation which respect to school in general, a lack of confidence in their school work, stress and conflict when it comes time to do homework and lessons. Good Tutors Finder encourages you not to wait for you child to fail. Call upon our services and set up your child for success!
The parent has an important complementary role to the services provided by Good Tutors Finder. When you sign your child up for our services, we provide you with a free guide that will give you advice on how to play your role in your child’s progress.
An improvement in their learning depends on many factors such as the frequency of meetings and the difficulties the student is already experiencing. At Good Tutors Finder we generally see significant improvement within 2 months of a child having at least 2 hours of tuition per week.
Our large pool of tutors allows us to help students from the secondary (10 / 11 years old) to university (20+ years old).
Our tutors can work from Monday to Sunday, in the morning, in the afternoon or in the evening. We do our best to match your availability with those of the selected tutor.
We recommend at least one hour per week. This ensures that the right foundations are put in place. However, sometimes if there are more than one subject to focus or we need to go back to some previous curriculum to bring the student up to speed we might recommend two or three hours per week. Please contact us to discuss.
The easiest payment method is online with any major credit card. However, we also accept bank transfers if needed.
The services are paid directly to Good Tutors Finder. The tutors are not able to collect payment.